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New build system and release upcoming!

As already shared during the virtual Dutch Chapter meetup: we are going to release a new version of the MSTG soon. We have been quite busy with moving it to the new build system first as the document got too large for our old tooling. This is a great incentive as well to think of how we can make the guide more focused so that the size does not matter ;-)

More news on the new release will follow soon...

#StayHome and share your knowledge!

Hi everybody,

we are all in more or less restrictive lock-down situations, but the guideline is always #StayHome. This is definitely a challenging time for you, but also us. But luckily it was also never easier to collaborate and share, through so many different tools and platforms.

International release of MASVS 1.2

A new version of the OWASP Mobile Application Security Standard (MASVS) was released! The MASVS establishes baseline security requirements for mobile apps and summarizes them in one standard. With this new release we achieved a significant alignment and coverage with existing mobile security documents from ENISA, older NIST documents, OWASP Mobile top 10, and others. The new version 1.2 is available in Github Releases: For more details please look into our Release Notes for Version 1.2 and Version 1.2-RC