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Last updated: May 08, 2023

MASTG-TEST-0041: Testing for Debugging Code and Verbose Error Logging


Static Analysis

To determine whether StrictMode is enabled, you can look for the StrictMode.setThreadPolicy or StrictMode.setVmPolicy methods. Most likely, they will be in the onCreate method.

The detection methods for the thread policy are


The penalties for thread policy violation are

penaltyLog() // Logs a message to LogCat
penaltyDeath() // Crashes application, runs at the end of all enabled penalties
penaltyDialog() // Shows a dialog

Have a look at the best practices for using StrictMode.

Dynamic Analysis

There are several ways of detecting StrictMode; the best choice depends on how the policies' roles are implemented. They include

  • Logcat,
  • a warning dialog,
  • application crash.