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Last updated: May 08, 2023

MASTG-TEST-0053: Checking Logs for Sensitive Data


Static Analysis

Use the following keywords to check the app's source code for predefined and custom logging statements:

  • For predefined and built-in functions:
    • NSLog
    • NSAssert
    • NSCAssert
    • fprintf
  • For custom functions:
    • Logging
    • Logfile

A generalized approach to this issue is to use a define to enable NSLog statements for development and debugging, then disable them before shipping the software. You can do this by adding the following code to the appropriate PREFIX_HEADER (*.pch) file:

#ifdef DEBUG
#   define NSLog (...) NSLog(__VA_ARGS__)
#   define NSLog (...)

Dynamic Analysis

In the section "Monitoring System Logs" of the chapter "iOS Basic Security Testing" various methods for checking the device logs are explained. Navigate to a screen that displays input fields that take sensitive user information.

After starting one of the methods, fill in the input fields. If sensitive data is displayed in the output, the app fails this test.