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Release 1.1.0 of the MSTG

We released the 1.1.0 version of the OWASP MSTG! Now all requirements of the MASVS have at least one covering testcase. We would like to thank all of our contributors for their hard work! Want to check it out? Check the releases!.

Call for Company References

We are looking for company references that are using or have used the OWASP-MSTG and/or MASVS. If you have done so and are ok with being mentioned: please email to [email protected].

The MASVS is getting more translations

Thanks to Romuald, Koki and many others, new translations of the MASVS are popping up. We now have a Japanese translation added and the French, German and Persian translations are in development. Each of them will be released the moment our release-automation of the MASVS is completed. Until then: feel free to checkout the sources!

MSTG 1.0.2 released & Twitter account!

While working hard towards the 1.1.0 milestone of the MSTG, we released the 1.0.2 version. From now onward we have better PDF, Epub and Mobi files! We hope to port this to the MASVS after the Github release. We now have an official Twitter account: @OWASP_MAS!

MASVS automation started

Now that the document generation process for the MSTG has been optimized enough for milestone 1.1.0 (and we reached #1000 in Github of issues and Pull requests), we have started to improve the MASVS releasing mechanism. This will be further improved after Appsec USA and the release of 1.1.0 of the MSTG.

MSTG 1.0.1 released

The Mobile Security Testing Guide version 1.0.1 has been released using our automated release system (based on tagging). See the Release Notes for all the changes. We now have added pdf support and improved our .docx quiet a lot. We will further improve the release process for the pdf and epubs after milestone 1.1.0.

Mobile App Security Verification Standard Releases

A lot has happened & we are happy to announce that version 1.1 of the MASVS got released! Not just in English, but in Spanish and Russian as well. Want to know more? check the releases!. We would like to thank our Russian and Spanish speaking volunteers that have put quite some effort in translating the document! Lastly, we would like to announce that not all minor version releases will be in this news-section, unless something really important changed. Do you want to have the latest version of the MASVS? Just check Github!