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From Slack to GitHub Discussions

Hello everyone,

times change, our project evolves and being able to hear you and discuss with you all is key for the OWASP MSTG project.

TL;DR: we deprecate Slack in favor of GitHub Discussions as our primary communication channel.

Removing obstacles

Until now we've driven all discussion on the MSTG Slack channel, to participate you had to get Slack, find the invite link (hope that it's still valid, else report it), go to our channel and post your question. It could really be a hurdle some times and some questions might be missed, there was also no way to up-vote them or keep track.

All our contributors do have a GitHub account (or should! now you have a reason :) ). So, from today on we move to GitHub discussions and deprecate Slack as the primary communication channel. You can still reach us there for private messages though and we will try to relay the discussions to Slack ASAP, but just as notifications (no Q&A over there).

Discussions provides a place to bring all those conversations together right next to your code. Whether it's asking questions, sharing announcements, or featuring important information, it's all in one place and easily accessible to contributors and community members alike.


We want to separation regarding actionable things to do (issues) and ideas/proposals (now "Ideas" Discussion). Having it all in GitHub makes it sooo much easier for us to manage, reference, etc.

Think of it this way: Discussions are for talking and GitHub Issues are for doing. This helps minimize distractions, keep teams on track, and address topics and questions clearly in a dedicated forum. Plus, you can move seamlessly between the two as well by converting an issue to a discussion and vice versa with a simple click.


Soon we will be able to see insights regarding the discussions. You guessed it, we'll take that into account and acknowledge your contribution to the discussions as we do with the content itself. More details on this once we can test the feature.


  • [X] Deprecate Slack
  • [X] Relay Discussions to Slack
  • [X] Discussion contribution acknowledgement info

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For this announcement we partially mapped this nice GitHub article to our project (recommended read):