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MASWE-0019: Potentially Weak Cryptography Implementations

Content in BETA

This content is in beta and still under active development, so it is subject to change any time (e.g. structure, IDs, content, URLs, etc.).

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Draft Weakness

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Check our GitHub Issues for MASWE-0019

Initial Description or Hints

Don't use outdated or known weak implementations and don't build your own cryptography. Using custom cryptography instead of relying on established, expert-designed APIs or certified modules exposes apps to vulnerabilities due to potential implementation flaws and lack of rigorous security review.

Relevant Topics

  • platform-provided cryptographic APIs (e.g. conscrypt/CryptoKit)
  • custom-made cryptographic APIs (e.g. via xor, bit flipping, etc. or cryptographic constants or values such as sbox, etc.)
  • custom algorithms, primitives, protocols
  • specify Cipher.getInstance provider (Android)
  • Android Security Provider (Android)
  • Jetpack Security Crypto Library (Android)
  • BoucyCastle algorithms (Android)


MASTG v1 Coverage