MASTG-TEST-0063: Testing Random Number Generation
Static Analysis¶
In Swift, the SecRandomCopyBytes
API is defined as follows:
func SecRandomCopyBytes(_ rnd: SecRandomRef?,
_ count: Int,
_ bytes: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) -> Int32
The Objective-C version is
int SecRandomCopyBytes(SecRandomRef rnd, size_t count, uint8_t *bytes);
The following is an example of the APIs usage:
int result = SecRandomCopyBytes(kSecRandomDefault, 16, randomBytes);
Note: if other mechanisms are used for random numbers in the code, verify that these are either wrappers around the APIs mentioned above or review them for their secure-randomness. Often this is too hard, which means you can best stick with the implementation above.
Dynamic Analysis¶
If you want to test for randomness, you can try to capture a large set of numbers and check with Burp's sequencer plugin to see how good the quality of the randomness is.