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MASTG-TEST-0087: Make Sure That Free Security Features Are Activated

Deprecated Test

This test is deprecated and should not be used anymore. Reason: New version available in MASTG V2

Please check the following MASTG v2 tests that cover this v1 test:


Static Analysis

You can use radare2 to check the binary security features.

Let's use the Damn Vulnerable iOS App DVIA v1 as an example. Open its main binary with radare2:

r2 DamnVulnerableIOSApp

And run the following commands:

[0x1000180c8]> i~pic,canary
canary   true
pic      true
[0x1000180c8]> is~release,retain
124  0x002951e0 0x1000891e0 LOCAL  FUNC 0        imp.dispatch_release
149  0x00294e80 0x100088e80 LOCAL  FUNC 0        imp.objc_autorelease
150  0x00294e8c 0x100088e8c LOCAL  FUNC 0        imp.objc_autoreleasePoolPop
151  0x00294e98 0x100088e98 LOCAL  FUNC 0        imp.objc_autoreleasePoolPush
152  0x00294ea4 0x100088ea4 LOCAL  FUNC 0        imp.objc_autoreleaseReturnValue
165  0x00294f40 0x100088f40 LOCAL  FUNC 0        imp.objc_release
167  0x00294f58 0x100088f58 LOCAL  FUNC 0        imp.objc_retainAutorelease
168  0x00294f64 0x100088f64 LOCAL  FUNC 0        imp.objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue
169  0x00294f70 0x100088f70 LOCAL  FUNC 0        imp.objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue

All the features are enabled in these examples:

  • PIE (Position Independent Executable): indicated by the flag pic true.

    • Applies to all apps independently of the language used.
    • Applies only to the main executable (MH_EXECUTE), not to dynamic libraries (MH_DYLIB).
  • Stack Canary: indicated by the flag canary true.

    • Applies to apps containing Objective-C code.
    • Not necessarily required for pure Swift apps (Swift is memory safe by design).
    • Especially important for apps containing C/C++ code, as they provide direct access to memory and pointers, making them more vulnerable to buffer overflows.
  • ARC (Automatic Reference Counting): indicated by symbols such as objc_autorelease or objc_retainAutorelease.

    • Important for binaries containing Objective-C code.
    • For binaries written purely in Swift, ARC is enabled by default.
    • ARC is not relevant for binaries written purely in C/C++, as it's a memory management feature specific to Objective-C and Swift.

Dynamic Analysis

These checks can be performed dynamically using objection. Here's one example:

com.yourcompany.PPClient on (iPhone: 13.2.3) [usb] # ios info binary
Name                  Type     Encrypted    PIE    ARC    Canary    Stack Exec    RootSafe
--------------------  -------  -----------  -----  -----  --------  ------------  ----------
PayPal                execute  True         True   True   True      False         False
CardinalMobile        dylib    False        False  True   True      False         False
FraudForce            dylib    False        False  True   True      False         False