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MASTG-TEST-0244: Missing Certificate Pinning in Network Traffic

Content in BETA

This content is in beta and still under active development, so it is subject to change any time (e.g. structure, IDs, content, URLs, etc.).

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There are multiple ways an application can implement certificate pinning, including via the Android Network Security Config, custom TrustManager implementations, third-party libraries, and native code. Since some implementations might be difficult to identify through static analysis, especially when obfuscation or dynamic code loading is involved, this test uses network interception techniques to determine if certificate pinning is enforced at runtime.

The goal of this test case is to observe whether a MITM attack can intercept HTTPS traffic from the app. A successful MITM interception indicates that the app is either not using certificate pinning or implementing it incorrectly.

If the app is properly implementing certificate pinning, the MITM attack should fail because the app rejects certificates issued by an unauthorized CA, even if the CA is trusted by the system.

Testing Tip: While performing the MITM attack, it can be useful to monitor the system logs (see Monitoring System Logs). If a certificate pinning/validation check fails, an event similar to the following log entry might be visible, indicating that the app detected the MITM attack and did not establish a connection.

I/X509Util: Failed to validate the certificate chain, error: Pin verification failed


  1. Set up an interception proxy, see Setting Up an Interception Proxy.
  2. Install the application on a device connected to that proxy, and intercept the communication.
  3. Extract all domains which were intercepted.


The output should contain a list of domains for which the interception was successful.


The test case fails if any relevant domain was intercepted.