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MASTG-BEST-0004: Exclude Sensitive Data from Backups

Content in BETA

This content is in beta and still under active development, so it is subject to change any time (e.g. structure, IDs, content, URLs, etc.).

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For the sensitive files found, instruct the system to exclude them from the backup:

  • If you are using Auto Backup, mark them with the exclude tag in backup_rules.xml (for Android 11 or lower using android:fullBackupContent) or data_extraction_rules.xml (for Android 12 and higher using android:dataExtractionRules), depending on the target API. Make sure to use both the cloud-backup and device-transfer parameters.
  • If you are using the key-value approach, set up your BackupAgent accordingly.

Refer to "Security recommendations for backups - Mitigations" for more information.


MASTG-TEST-0216: Sensitive Data Not Excluded From Backup